Hello out there. This web site has not been updated in about 4 years. Since then many things have changed here at NRL Software as well as the world. This website is now seriously outdated and needs a major face lift. NRL Software and nobes.com is pretty much an obsolete and defunc site. For one thing Nobes no longer use the Windows operating system. We have found that Micro$oft software in general is buggy, overly expensive, and prone to viruses. Thus we no longer do any software development under Windows. We will however keep all the old released programs here for your pleasure but there will be no future updates to these programs. In the future we may port stuff to Linux - though currently there are no serious efforts.
Speaking of Linux - we have moved pretty much to an exclusive Linux environment. There is a replacement for virtually every major productivity software package in the Linux environment. For instance OpenOffice.org is a superior and cheaper (its free) package that replaces Microsoft Office. In addition it is available on a wide array of platforms. The only software package (excluding games) the average user will not find for Linux yet is tax software, but hopefully this will be remedied soon. In the future Nobes will convert this to a Linux oriented site for newbies and various projects we will be working on.
Just to let you know how unstable and dangerous Windows is - Just by looking at a web site (such as this) - it is possible for one to take over your computer and do all kinds of malicious stuff. If this site is operated by a malicious group - hackers could wipe out your hard drive, steal personal information, and possibly commit identity theft. Well thats all for now. ---Nobes
Feel free to contact us. ---nobes